Four keys to unlocking the magic of launch marketing. White Paper #3

With 61% of people failing to remember a launch marketing campaign from the last 12 months, launch marketing is clearly a discipline which requires significant focus and improvement. In this report, the council members from the UK which included the Brand and Marketing Agency Director from the National Trust and the Global Launch Excellence Director from GSK, explored four key considerations for planning and executing a memorable launch fit for the 21st Century.

The guest speakers were the Founder of Erbology focussing on launching a new company and the Head of Emerging Technologies & Digital Innovations of Diageo focussing on the corporate approach to launching new products.

We thank all the UK council members for being involved.

Now that you’ve unlocked the 4 keys to produce a show-stopping launch marketing campaign, it would be good to get your heads around one of the biggest challenges to a successful product launch in the white paper focused on internal alignment.

This white paper was produced with the help of 10 panellists: